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Organization Information
Mandatory Actions

Your help marketing the Pet Friendly License plate is a requirement to receiving grant funding and will allow us to help more cats and dogs across Indiana.

Please remember that we’re all in this together, and Pet Friendly Services of Indiana is committed to helping our shelter and rescue partners succeed.

Note: As funding allows, Pet Friendly Services will make additional monies available in the form of matching grants. These grants will be available to rescue groups and shelters that actively promote the Pet Friendly plate. The work you do up front to promote this life-saving plate may help you earn additional funding this year – and will be considered during future grant cycles.

Our Social Media tags are:

  • Facebook: @PetFriendlyIN
  • Instagram: @PetFriendlyServices
  • Twitter: @PetFriendlyIN
  • Threads: @petfriendlyservices
Shelter/Rescue Information
Adoption Information
True and Correct
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